Progress on Stone Mandala
So this stone project has been ongoing since 2019. Slow but steady. I have been using rifflers and rasps to slowly shape details.
This stone is adapted from a drawing I did in Peru back in 2006; a long time ago it seems like. I feel like I don’t make art much these days however, I have been making more art in the past 6 years than I have since high school probably (1993). It is reassuring that I can call myself an artistic because I make it and believe in my ability to do so out of desire; to create, express my vision of beauty in the world and heal. If I sell it - okay- but it’s not necessary. I don’t want to stews out about sales and marketing. I just want to have time to myself and my craft.
Thank you for visiting and hope you enjoy this content. Get out side and connect with nature and make the art that brings happiness to your soul!